Sunshine Coast Directory
Exactly what it says, the sunshine coast is the home of beautiful beaches and blue lagoons, absolutely perfect for a beach holiday and within reach on a day trip to Savai'i. Activities based here include diving, fishing charters and swimming with the turtles. On the Sunshine Coast you can explore the lava fields and climb to the top of Mt Matavanu to meet the crater man.
Leilina’s Pizza, Fagamalo.
Le Lagoto Beach Resort Restaurant, Fagamalo.
Savaii Lagoon Resort Restaurant, Fagamalo.
Vacations Beach Fales Restaurant & Bar, Manase.
Tanu Beach Fales Restaurant, Manase.
Tusitala Restaurant & Bar, Stevensons@Manase.
Manase Beach, ask at any beach fale (small fee)
Dive Savaii offers snorkel tours at Fagamalo Lagoon where there is a good chance of seeing turtles in the wild.
Stevensons@Manase have a beach front pool or swim in the sea (small fee)
The extraordinary lava fields formed from the eruption of Mt Matavanu in 1905 and 1911 destroyed villages and agricultural land. The resulting lava field covers around 75 square km and is estimated to be 9 metres thick in places. What you can see on land is only a small fraction of the total lava, with the majority being under the sea. It is a truly fascinating and exceptional display of recent volcanic activity and should not be missed. Start with the ruins of Saleaula village including church buildings and the “virgin’s grave”, then walk out over the fields towards the sea. Take water and wear a hat to walk out to the cliff edges at the coast as the round trip will take over an hour.
This relatively small volcano was responsible for the massive eruption in 1905 and 1911 which created the Saleaula lava fields. Da Crater man will be your quick and entertaining guide to this site which has spectacular views down into the crater over and over the surrounding forest and the plantation out to the sea. Do not stand too close to the edge of the crater as there are no safety rails! Watch out for flying foxes, swiftlets and native orchids which flower on Mt Matavanu. The access road is rough and steep and only suitable for vehicles with good ground clearance. Otherwise you can walk up; take plenty of water. Once you reach Da Crater Man’s fale you can park and walk from there (about 1 hour’s walk) or dive to the next parking stop for a 15 minutes walk to the top.
High up and just outside the village of Aopo is one Samoa’s most extensive lava tubes; locals tell us they have been unable to find the end even after walking 10 hours down the tube! The cave system is reached by taking a guided 20 minutes walk through mahogany plantation and fruit and vegetable plantations and then through natural rainforest.
Mataolealelo pool is one of Samoa’s numerous fresh water springs and is open to the public for a small charge. This is the site of high cultural significance in Samoa being the home of the legend of Sina and the Eel which tells how the coconut came into being. The site contains 2 pools, one for men and one for women and children and being a traditional site tourist should swim in a tee shirt and lavalava or long shorts. There are changing and toilet facilities on the site. The sign is in Samoan only- look for the drawing of a naked girl and an Eel.