Savaii Samoa Tourism Association 

The Savaii Samoa Tourism Association (SSTA) is a passionate and committed group of businesses dedicated to the promotion and development of tourism that is beneficial for the people of Savaii. Incorporated in April 2010, SSTA is a Non- Government membership-based organisation that strives to be the united voice of the tourism and hospitality industry in Savaii. 

Of over 50 tourism businesses on the island, SSTA comprises a total of 30 financial members who are largely the accommodation businesses with the remaining members represented by tour and transport providers, attraction site owners and tourism activities operators. The SSTA is governed by a volunteer Executive Committee elected each year by its members in accordance with its Constitution. The Association is funded by annual member subscriptions and small grants received through projects. Its office is based in Salelologa, where the town and the inter-island ferry terminal are located. 

Vision and Mission 

Recognising the prolonged and unprecedented socio-economic impacts caused by the 2019 measles outbreak and the evolving COVID-19 global pandemic, we have reset our vision for the next 5 years in anticipation of a progressive and responsible recovery. 

Promote and sustainably improve the growth of tourism businesses and quality of visitor experiences in Savaii through lasting partnerships. 

Collectively we envision that by 2027: 

Savaii is a thriving tourism destination that is recognized for its leadership in supporting community wellbeing through the promotion and development of sustainable tourism. 

SSTA Strategic Plan 2022-2027.pdf
SSTA Members Contact List .xlsx - SSTA Members Contact List .pdf
SSTA Members Contact List .xlsx